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Medical Care & Sanitation

  • Publication Date :
  • Last updated:2024-06-24
  • View count:1390

In the aspects of medical care, Tainan Detention Center adopts the principle of 
“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”


Preventive Measures

To prevent the spread of disease, Tainan Detention Center ask every

inmate/defendants must take a shower and put on clean clothes provided

by the Center first before being arranged a ward.

We sweep, clean up all of the wards, gutters, bathrooms and nooks, and

 disinfect the environment every week to preclude the possibility of illness

in the Center. The Sanitation and Health section arranges health education

from time to time, and also contacts the Department of Health, Tainan City

Government for influenza vaccination every year.


Preventive Measures

Medical Care

An inmate/defendant will be arranged a health check first when entering the Center.Then the Sanitation and Health section will arrange chest X-rays and blood tests.If an inmate/defendant is sick, doctors in the Center will examine he/she.

Medical Care

In addition, in emergency situation, an inmate/defendant will be taken by

ambulance to the public hospital. If it is necessary for inmate/defendant to

bail outside for medical treatment, the Center will report to prosecutor’s office,

court, or Agency of Corrections, Ministry of Justice.

Medical treatment on bail

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