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Remote Video Visitation

  • Publication Date :
  • Last updated:2023-06-13
  • View count:1432

Q1:What is Remote Video Visitation at correctional institutions?



Relatives, family members, public defender or attorney may apply for Remote Video Visitation at the nearest correctional institution which is equipped with video facilities to access the inmate/defendant who is held at other county or city correctional institution equipped with video facilities , too .

回答1:親屬、家屬、公設辯護人或辯護律師可以在離其最近而具備視訊設備的矯正機關申請遠距接見收容在其他縣市也有視訊設備的矯正機關 收容人。

Q2:Who may apply for Remote Video Visitation?



The following people may apply to correctional institutions for Remote Video Visitation:

  1. spouse, lineal blood relatives, collateral relatives by blood within three generations, and relatives by marriage within two generations of inmate /defendant.

  2. public defender or attorney based on the needs of the case (except the proviso of Article 34 of The Code of Criminal Procedure)



  1. 收容人的配偶、直系血親、三親等內旁系血親、二親等內之姻親。

  2. 公設辯護人或辯護律師基於案情需要(刑事訴訟法第34條但書規定除外)。

Q3:How to apply for Remote Video Visitation?



  1. Fill out the application form1 (Attachment 1) and prepare identify documents which can prove the relationship between you and inmate/defendant.

  2. Remote Video Visitation have five sessions for applicant to choose from one day :

    • visit day:Monday to Friday(working day)

    • visit session:1400-1430;1430-1500;1500-1530;1530-1600;1600-1630

  3. Send filled out application form 1 and identify documents one week ago (calculated from the priority session of visitation you filled) by fax or by registered mail to the correctional institution where the inmate/defendant is held.

  4. After the application is approved, the applicant will be notified by phone or letter about arranged time and date of access and nearby institution where you could go for Remote Video Visitation.

  5. Applicants should go to nearby undertaking institution at assigned date and time to fill up remote video visitation registration form (Attachment 2) and visit the inmate /defendant.

  6. Those who have been approved for Remote Video Visitation by the correctional institution where the previously visited inmate/defendant is held may apply Remote Video Visitation by phone again one week ago (calculated from the priority session of visitation you have chosen).


  1. 填寫申請表1(附件1)並準備可以證明您和收容人(或被告)之間關係的身份證明文件。

  2. 遠距接見一天有五個時段供申請人選擇:

    • 接見日:週一至週五(工作日)

    • 接見時段:1400-1430;1430-1500;1500-1530;1530-1600;1600-1630

  3. 一週前(由您填寫的優先接見時段推算)以傳真或掛號郵件將填寫的申請表1和身份證明文件寄送到收容人(或被告)所在的矯正機 關。

  4. 申請獲得批准後,會以電話或信函通知申請人遠距接見的日期及時間並副知鄰近可以前往使用遠距接見的矯正機關。

  5. 申請人應在指定的日期和時間到附近的矯正機關填寫遠程接見登記表(見附件2)並接見收容人。

  6. 曾向收容人所在的矯正機關申請遠距接見獲准者,可在一週前(根據您選擇接見的優先時段推算)以電話再次申請遠距接見。

Q4:What must be paid attention to when applying?



  1. Inmate /defendant may receive one 30-minute Remote Video Visitation per week upon application filed by spouse or relatives mentioned in above. However, institution can make exceptions if the superintendent of correctional institution make priority approval.

  2. An inmate/defendant is not available for Remote Video Visitation due to violation of the rule and stopping visitation or held incommunicado by prosecutor or judge (except public defender or attorney).

  3. In case an inmate/defendant is not available for Remote Video Visitation due to violation or other matters, the institution where the inmate/defendant is held shall notify the applicant via mail or telephone that the Remote Video Visitation has been cancelled and notify the nearby undertaking institution of the visitation.

  4. Applicant who fail the registration at the nearby Remote Video Visitation undertaking institution three times will be suspended for Remote Video Visitation for three months by the correctional institution where the inmate/defendant is held.

  5. Nearby Remote Video Visitation undertaking institution may reject the visit if one of the following happens to the applicant whose application have been approved by the correctional institution where the inmate/defendant is held:

    • Without identification.

    • Applicant’s behavior is abnormal.

    • Applicant is an alcoholic or has mental problems.

    • Visitor who has not registered for Remote Video Visitation cannot substitute or accompany registered applicant to the visitation.

  6. If applicant of Remote Video Visitation is the inmate’s spouse or family member who are elder, sick, or physically or mentally challenged, then he/she should ask the nearby undertaking institution for help.


  1. 收容人每星期得應上述配偶及親屬之申請,接受遠距接見一次,每次以三十分鐘為限。但有特殊理由經機關首長核准者,不在此限。

  2. 收容人經檢察官、法官諭知禁止接見及通信,或因違規停止接見尚在考核中者,不得接受遠距接見(公設辯護人或律師除外)。

  3. 收容人在辦理遠距接見前,有違規或其他事由無法接見時,收容人所在之矯正機關應以郵寄或電話方式通知申請人,取消本次遠距接 見,並 副知就近辦理遠距接見之機關。

  4. 未依排定辦理時間親至就近辦理遠距接見之機關辦理遠距接見達三次者,收容人所在之矯正機關得停止其申請辦理遠距接見三個月。

  5. 經收容人所在之矯正機關核准辦理遠距接見者,如有下列各款情事之一時,就近辦理遠距接見之機關得拒絕之:

    • 未帶身分證明文件者。

    • 形跡可疑者。

    • 酗酒或精神狀況有異者。

    • 未經辦理登記者,不得代替或陪同已登記者與收容人接見。

  6. 收容人配偶或親屬有年老、患有疾病或身心殘障不良行者,其辦理遠距接見時,可向就近辦理遠距接見之機關請求協助。

Taiwan Tainan Detention Center Remote Video Visitation:No.2, Mingde Vil, Guiren Dist, Tainan City 71150, Taiwan

Inquiry Line for Remote Video Visitation: (06) 278-1770

Fax Line for Remote Video Visitation: ( 06 ) 278-0045、( 06 ) 278-0195


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