Policy on Prohibition of Sexual Harassment at Workplace
- Publication Date :
- Last updated:2024-06-24
- View count:1401
Our Policy
To protect gender equality in employment, eliminate gender discrimination, prevent sexual harassment, protect employee's work rights, and provide a work place free of sexual harassment, the Center organize a Complaint & Investigation Committee for handling sexual harassment complaints with new designated telephone, fax, and e-mail, to prevent, correct, punish, and handle sexual harassment incidents.
Unit in charge :Personnel Office of the Center
Phone :(06)2781039
Fax :(06)2780071
E-mail :tndp@mail.moj.gov.tw
Defining Sexual Harassment
Sexual harassment shall mean the following conducts:
In the course of an employee executing his/her duties, any one makes a sexual request, uses verbal or physical conduct of sexual nature ,or aims for gender discrimination, causes him/her a hostile, intimidating ,and offensive working environment , and leads to infringe or interfere with personal dignity, physical liberty or job performance.
Between supervisor and employee, employee and another employee, or employer and job applicant in a recruitment process explicitly or implicitly makes a sexual request, uses verbal or physical conduct of sexual nature, or aims for gender discrimination as an exchange for the establishment, continuance, and modification of a labor contract or a condition of hiring, placement, assignment, compensation, evaluation, promotion, demotion, award, or discipline.
Handle Sexual Harassment
The Center adopt open procedures to resolve the sexual harassment in the course of employee executing his/her duties without fearing of retribution. If anyone thinks he/she is sexually harassed by any conducts, languages or objects, he/she should:
Tell the opposite party his/her feelings directly about what kind of behavior or object is unpleasant.
If he/she can not communicate with the offender, or the offender continues the behavior, report and ask his/her supervisor to come forward and take measures.
- If he/she wish not to discuss the situation he/she met, he/she can submit a complaint to Complaint & Investigation Committee of the Center.
The unit in charge of committee is Personnel Office of the Center receives complaint anytime and processes within "Directions of Ministry of Justice and its Subordinate Agencies for Prevention, Complaint, Investigation, and Punishment of Sexual Harassment".