Office Phone Number
- Publication Date :
- Last updated:2024-06-24
- View count:1426
- Phone list of Service Center
Department Service Content Phone Fax Reception Room
(working hours)Providing visitation (including general, holiday, and making appointments for visitation) and other (including sending money, food or packages to inmates) related information. +886-6-303-2660
+886-6-303-2662 ext.236Service and Information Desk
(including working hours and day-off)24-hour one-stop service providing instant information and transferring service. +886-6-303-2660
+886-6-303-2662 ext.9Secretariat
(working hours)Respond to people’s questions about the agency and provide immediate and correct answers. +886-6-303-2660
ext.121 or 122
DirectLine:+886-6-278-1358+886-6- 303-2118 - Phone List of General Department
Department Phone Ext Fax SwitchBoard +886-6-2782935
+886-6-3032662Guard and Control Section +886-6-278-1770
Roster Management Section:
Roster Management Section:
+886-6-278-1311Assistance and Guidance Section +886-6-278-3791 501 +886-6-278-3791 Business Section +886-6-278-1791 172
173+886-6-278-3996 Sanitation and Health Section +886-6-303-2016 602
603General Affairs Section +886-6-278-0188 202
207+886-6-278-1685 Women's Institution +886-6-303-2660 702 Personnel Office +886-6-278-1039 132 +886-6-278-0071 Accounting Office +886-6-278-1768 152 +886-6-278-2087 Statistics Office +886-6-278-1780 142 +886-6-303-2017 Government Ethics Office +886-6-278-1754 162 +886-6-303-2150