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The History of Tainan Detention Center

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  • Last updated:2024-06-24
  • View count:1445

     The original address of the Detention Center Tainan Taiwan was No.1, 24th Alley, Sing-Seng Street, Tainan City. After Taiwan regained its independence from Japan, the center was attached to the Prison of Tainan and established separately at the 6th of August,1952.


Old Gate Picture

Old Gate Picture

     Because the number of detainees wasn't too high, some old and renovated buildings were provided by the Prison of Tainan. The place was rough therefore it was used as office detain place. For thirty years or more, the economy and the city of Taiwan have been greatly increased and promptly been growing.


     Nowadays we found out the place is developing from an outskirt to the center of Tainan city and also the detainees are increasing year by year. It causes a serious situation of overbalance concerning the acceptance among the residents. The situation doesn't meet the needs of the detainees, so moving the detention center is becoming really important. The coordination of the relocation of the Prison of Tainan at the same time couldn't be accomplished due to the insufficient budget.


     In 1984, The Ministry of Justice took care of the problems, with the six years program of the detention center's facilities improvement. Executive Yuan approved to carry into execution. In which, relocating the detention center Tainan will be a priority and it will also be done immediately after the landform prospecting in June.


     The capacity of the building will be 2.6 times the size of the original place, it will give the detainees their reasonable space to live in. The single room occupation will be one and a half space or more. We also improved the shape of the building such as the low windows which are designed back to back, so they make it easier and safer for the superintendents to monitor the detainees. The design took care both of the ventilation and the skylight.


     The new Tainan Detention Center was (Floor space 9.9604 hectare) built in December 1984, established in December 1985 and operated on the 16th of February, 1986. The Ministry of Justice confirmed support for the Prison of Tainan in January 1986 and an affiliated rehabilitation center in May 1998. 


New Gate Picture

New Gate Picture



     Therefore the Detention Center Tainan also accepts prisoners whose penal offense is under 7 years, probationers and other kinds of inmates and besides that detaining persons for the period of their remand. The confirmed amount of accepted people is 1244.

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