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B. Medical care related issues

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  • Last updated:2024-06-24
  • View count:332

Q3. What medical care will be provided to inmates when they are in a correction institution?


  1. Protective body check: Body check will be implemented to inmates. For those who have chronical diseases or special disease, the institutions will document their conditions and follow up. Correctional institutions will also provide hygiene education to inmates to prevent the prevalence of disease.

  2. Medical treatment: For the inmates who feel sick, there will be medical doctors to provide diagnosis and medical treatment.

  3. Prevention of infectious disease: During intake, inmates will receive infectious disease screening (to check for HIV or syphilis) and X-ray chest examination to discover any disease before it happens. Also, every correctional institution will organize an enlarged screening to reinforcement the power of disease prevention.

Q4. During the imprison or executive period, is that possible for inmates' relatives send any medicine to inmates?


  1. The principle for inmates’ relatives to send medicine is as follow:

    • It is possible is there is a medical need, and the medicine should be unopened.   There must also be detailed medicine package, certificate of diagnosis or prescription.

    • Inmates can apply for the sending of medicine for chronical disease with a continuous prescription within three months after intake. Otherwise, inmates can apply for the sending of medicine within two weeks after intake with a prescription that is acquired before intake.

  2. The way of sending: The relatives of inmates may send the medicine to the correctional institution through mailed package (for those who have a granted permission), or delivery the medicine to the correctional institution through the specified window personally. There should also be prescription and other related documented for the correctional institution’s application procedure. The delivery will be granted after the application is authorized.

  3. If the medicine fails to fulfill the aforementioned regulations, including without a permission number from Food and Drug Administration of Ministry of Health and Welfare, the marking is unclear or the package of seal is damaged, correctional institutions will reject this medicine.

  4. The principle of handling rejected medicine:

    • If a medicine failed to pass the inspection, it will then be kept for the pickup  by the inmates’ relatives, or it will be returned to the inmates when they are released.

    • The deliveryman will be noticed that the medicine is rejected and ready for pick up.

    • If the inmates are unwilling for safekeeping or picking up by their relatives, they can submit an application to destroy the medicine with the agreement of the correctional institutions.

Q5.During the imprison period, will inmates receive any medical care for their chronical diseases?


  1. Nowadays, most of the inmates are included in the National Health Insurance, and there are different medical clinics in correctional institutions. For those who are not covered by National Health Insurance, they will be taken care of by public doctors. Therefore, if inmates have the need of medical care, they can report to their ward managers and register in medical clinics, then they will be treated properly.

  2. For the inmates who have chronic diseases, they can apply for medical treatment and medicine. In order to facilitate the process of medical care, they can also apply for medical diagnosis reports, case histories and medicine records from their original hospitals and provide them to the correctional institutions.

  3. In case that correctional institutions may not provide an appropriate treatment, medical doctors will recommend the institutions to arrange an escorted medical visit outside of the institutions, or transfer the inmates to imprisoned wards of a hospital. Therefore, inmates’ relatives should not be worry about it. When the situation is critical, correctional institutions will also consider the opportunity of medical treatment on bail to address the corresponding medical needs.

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